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NETSTAIRS The Reliable Platform of Video-First Technology

July 4, 2020

We are talking about none other than the founder of NETSTAIRS® – Dr. Ahmad Moradi. With 20 years of proven “video-first” technology innovation and patents, NETSTAIRS® builds “Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for Real-Time Digital Economy”.

In recent years, the virtual world has seen a whole lot of advancements and transformed the way we live. Few years back what seemed impossible to us has now become a reality, only because of the virtual world. Today we are going to talk about a visionary maverick who single-handedly changed the contours of virtual world by means of his video-first approach. We are talking about none other than the founder of NETSTAIRS® – Dr. Ahmad Moradi. With 20 years of proven “video-first” technology innovation and patents, NETSTAIRS® builds “Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for Real-Time Digital Economy”.

The impetus of the company is on Virtual Private Cloud with Host Interactive Broadcast, Collaboration, and Communications Platform as a Service. It comes with different integrated video streaming and WebRTC real-time services. Inside each platform, channels & rooms have intelligent media streaming. Events and meetings come alive with group video conferencing. They are ideal for team collaboration, and communications as a service. Today, the need to vertically integrate real-time video- first into web services have become more crucial. This way, they could integrate with workflow & embed content through the use of web browser. At NETSTAIRS®, they provide Consulting (Know-How), Technology, and or both.

Talking about the vision of Dr. Moradi, his vision throughout the course of NETSTAIRS services has always been around “video-first” strategy. Its goals continues to remain active with Video-First Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) iBCC-PaaS technology. As a know-how provider, the company consults clients with planned architectural IaaS, PaaS, & SaaS resided over VPC. Backed by 20+ years of delivering proven results serving global brands, major leading production houses, and building intelligent media middleware into leading CDN services such as Akamai, they have earned global patents for their innovation.

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