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Bringing Interactive Video & WebRTC Technology to Life

May 31, 2019

As a pioneer NETSTAIRS had envisioned video will become the dominant force serving the world and every five years NETSTAIRS reinvented itself with the innovation. In 2000, NETSTAIRS introduced the world’s first video email service called Cybermercial and then filed patents on interactive video streaming servers with AI engine called iV8. NETSTAIRS went on to partner with CDN industry leaders such as Akamai, Level3, Octoshape, Limelight, and many others, and built the first intelligent middleware service connected to several layers of media delivery services before cloud was introduced. Today, NETSTAIRS has culminated into a one of the most sought-after company offering middleware media broadcast and communication servers for advertising and entertainment industry that seek Web enabled unicast and email delivery communications.


“ NETSTAIRS had envisioned video will become the dominant force serving the world and every five years NETSTAIRS reinvented itself with the innovation. ”


With the advent of Adobe’s Flash (after Macromedia’s acquisition), NETSTAIRS built some of the leading brand’s iTV (Interactive TV) for sports channels, including HEXA2 and iSocialTV, serving global brands for nearly two decades. The company also created encoding services via CiV8 where one video upload would converge itself into many video codecs in real-time for low latency streaming and also pioneered Interactive Virtual Town Hall. NETSTAIRS has combined the best of their services into an iCDN (interactive Content Delivery Network) connected to multi-cloud CDN service providers combined with the use of WebSocket, WebRTC and several other open source technologies, alongside pioneering Digital Media Room (DMR) and Digital Media Channels (DMC). Today, NETSTAIRS brings PIXEL as enterprise and ecosystem serving Governments, Industries, Enterprises, Entrepreneurs, Startups, Telecom, MVNO, TV Networks, Publishers, Production Houses and Ad Agencies.

NETSTAIRS continues to thrive based on 3 layers of services, Infrastructure, Platform-as-as-Service & SaaS integration utilizing HTML5 standards. The company has won numerous awards for their clients and themselves combining art, science and technology building private cloud services for those who desire to own, lease of rent interactive Broadcast, Collaboration & Communication Platform as a service—iBCC-PaaS. As an iBCC-PaaS, NETSTAIRS have innovated iOTT (Interactive service over OTT) and multi-cloud service where clients needs are the dominant pillars of the service requirements. The company brings WebRTC services with integrated HTML5 and video services through PIXEL, and iCDN.

Being a client-centric organization, NETSTAIRS understands their clients’ vision, mission, goals and objective, empowering organizations who wish to leapfrog their media-based technologies and cloud services through partnership with Tier 1 services such as AWS, Google’s GCP, IBM Bluemix, Kaltura, Digital Ocean, and or on-premise integrated services. The company serves clients in four continents, relying on NETSTAIRS for real-time and video services through the most intelligent seamless iCDN cloud delivery services. In an instance, LeasePlan Bank, headquartered in Holland with presence in 47 countries, took NETSTAIRS assistance to create a platform for serving online education, training and branch collaboration in a pocket-friendly manner.

With focus on innovative product, NETSTAIRS aims to continue with innovation. In 2019, NETSTAIRS will be releasing PIXEL 2020 as pure HTML5 followed by ZIMZIM—competing against all other video conferencing services. Designed with mobile users as its primary focus, ZIMZIM will offer group video collaboration with screen casting, planned recording and live streaming services. NETSTAIRS will also plan to release the Wall of OZ made for multi-cast video streaming, followed by introduction of their desktop cast and recording services. As NETSTAIRS is reimagining the future, by bringing new and innovative technologically advanced services, client-service integration continues to be an integral part of their growth strategy. The company believes integrated Real-Time Communications is the genesis of an insightful digital transformation to digital economy, by connecting creative minds, machine intelligence, while embracing human diversity around the world.

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