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October 31, 2021

Page 45. Featured Ahmad Moradi, PhD – VYPA CSO sharing a use case currently in production by EBU and EUROVISION SPORTS Featur ing Virtual Media Center.

The third (3rd) edition of the Technical Review for 2021 is packed with information and updates from our members and the industry and can be downloaded at the link below

Virtual Media Centre: The Art of Real Time Broadcast- VYPA

A multi-event solution called virtual media centre (VMC) was presented at the session. Virtual Media Centre, made for journalist interviews was built as a part of sports and event branding. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many events rely on virtual crew, studio, streamers, and production teams. The VMC components include a main event stream connected to AI for real time routing, fed intelligently to journalists; a multi-venue feed live stream includes multi live streams, and the interview booth to watch interviews by invited journalists on-site or online. Functionalities, such as social media accounts e.g. twitter Facebook Instagram, VMC chat for info desk and moderator help and few third party apps are available. A typical Virtual Media Centre (VMC) was built by Netstairs as a part of the European Aquatic- Budapest 2021 event. The interactive and layered layout includes lobby room with logo, login details at the top bar, interview room and live stream feature in the left bar, with audio video controls, source feeding, fi le sharing and other functions and with social media publishing and chat box in the right navigation bar. Here a lounge was made for registered and approved journalists waiting to interview athletes. The sports moderator’s role builds on 3 layers, as general or chat supervisor, booth manager for interviews and as controller to stream or transcode to a multitude of devices or platforms. On the delivery side, after years of exhaustive tests with different Cloud solutions, Google data centres were selected for their robust delivery service and diversity of use and technology. iCDN (interactive content delivery network) supports leading Cloud services. It is built on Google Cloud with AI and ML capability. Connected to the leading CDN services, iCDN brings interactive real time communication via multiple CDN cloud services to inform, inspire, immerse, educate, and entertain the target audience. Another integral capability is the iCPT that supports featuring and displaying sponsored logos, brands and Ads. Each Booth may display common or its own Ads. All Ads or sponsored logos are seen for the duration of the event. Placeholders for advertising and event logos are set in place too.

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